Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business – Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung State Islamic University held an academic writing workshop on 12-13 November 2024. This activity was attended by 50 young lecturers and led by well-known speakers, Achmad Room Fitrianto, SE, MEI, GradDip Public Policy, MA, Ph.D. The aim of this workshop is to hone the scientific writing skills of novice lecturers, giving them the essential tools for success in the academic world. “In today's digital era, use of technology, especially AI, is very important to improve the quality and efficiency of scientific writing,” said Achmad Room Fitrianto in his opening session. Workshop participants are given the opportunity to directly practice writing and receive constructive feedback from resource persons.
This activity was highly appreciated by the participants and is expected to increase the number of publications by lecturers at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung State Islamic University in international academic journals.. “Workshops like this are essential to equip our young lecturers with the skills necessary to navigate the highly competitive world of academic writing,” said Dr. Hj. Chusnul Chotimah, Dean of Faculty.
Lecturers as teachers and researchers play a vital role in producing innovation and solutions to problems faced by society. Through research, lecturers can develop a deeper understanding of their area of expertise, which in turn will enrich the learning process they provide to students. Therefore, honing scientific writing and publication skills is essential to ensure that research results are not only of high quality but can also be accessed and utilized by the wider community.
Besides that, Research has a strategic role in nation building. A developed country is a country that is able to produce research that is innovative and relevant to the needs of its society. Quality research helps the government make policies based on data and facts, encourage innovation in the industry, and improve the quality of life of the community. Universities and other higher education institutions play an important role in advancing research in Indonesia, not only as a forum for the development of knowledge but also as a center for innovation that can encourage economic growth and social progress.